Thursday, June 26, 2008

Budapest: Official Launch of GV in Italiano at GV Summit 2008

Collaborative text written by Bernardo Parella, coordinator of GVItalian, and Eleonora Pantò, revised by Lucie M. Dorion.

While attending the recent Berkman@10 at Harvard, Bernardo Parella had the chance to talk with several people about the importance of spreading over the GLobal Voices On Line citizen media model to Italy, which still lacked its own Lingua group. So he proposed himself as coordinator for that project, then discovering that Lucie (already involved with French Lingua and currently living in Italy) was also looking for other people to start an Italian Lingua group. Next, Eleonora Pantò accepted Bernardo’s invitation to collaborate with us, and pretty soon several other volunteer translators joined the new Italian Lingua team. Right from the beginning, everybody helped each other and we enthusiastically started publishing translations of some really interesting articles and posts found on the main Global Voices on Line web site.

We 'informally' launched our group about a month ago, attracting good media coverage and (more importantly) people’s interests. We now have about 10 translators and publish at least two new posts every day.We soon learned that GV was already well known and appreciated in the local online environment, as well as and in the media world. We hope to build upon GV’s good standing to develop a dynamic, motivated community (and reach the many Italians spread out throughout the world), and foster a productive relationship with everybody involved in Lingua and GVO.

Bernardo Parella is a freelance journalist, translator and activist living in the US, covering digital culture issues (mostly) for a variety of Italian media outlets and involved in a variety of grassroots projects. Among his many translations are books by Turkle, Norman, Lessig, Stallman, and Jenkins.

Lucie M. Dorion is a Canadian freelance translator now living in Tuscany where sheteaches English and French. She makes full use of today’s e-learning tools with her students, teens and adults, starting with streaming audio and video podcasts to instant messaging and blogs. She also firmly believes in the integration of web-based material in the learning process as it offers access to a variety of content, both academic and general, but often a bit less mainstream and non conventional.

Eleonora Pantò works in Torino as Knowledge Community Manager in a Research Organization called CSP, dealing since 1992 with projects related to ICT and education. She also published books and essays on the impact of ICT on education and work environments. Actively involved in promoting Open Education Resources, she also strongly supports the Global Voices’ initiative in Italy as a tool to revitalize the (often too biased) Italian media system.

Budapest: Global Voices Summit 2008

"Global Voices, Global Voices Advocacy and Média Hungária are pleased to announce the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2008, taking place in Budapest, Hungary on June 27-28. The event will bring together the members of the Global Voices citizen media project and its wider community with a diverse group of bloggers, activists, technologists, journalists and others persons from around the world, for two days of public discussions and workshops around the theme Citizen Media & Citizenhood."

And after you've read about the Summit's activities and participants by following the link in the above title, why not have a look at Budapest, as seen in the photo blogs cited in Elia Varela Serra's post on Global Voices on Line' English version: Hungary:Photoblogging

Lancio ufficiale di GV Italiano al Summit 2008 di Budapest

Venerdì 27 e sabato 28 giugno convergeranno a
Budapest, decine di blogger, cittadini e
attivisti soprattutto dai Paesi in via di
sviluppo per il Summit annuale di Global Voices
Online. Uno dei progetti di citizen media finora
più riusciti, Global Voices ha l'obiettivo di
"dare voce a chi non ha voce", amplificando e
rilanciando quelle notizie spesso trascurate dai
grandi media.

Lanciato ad un convegno di blogger internazionali
svoltosi a fine 2004 presso il Berkman Center
(Harvard University), oggi Global Voices Online
opera come ente non-profit indipendente su base
volontaria, viene tradotto in 15 lingue e ha dato
vita a importanti progetti a latere (Rising
Voices, Voices Without Votes, etc.)

I temi specifici affrontati nel Summit
riguarderanno l'applicazione dei citizen media e
degli strumenti del Web 2.0 in una varietà di
situazioni, dalle campagne elettorali alle
catastrofi naturali alla creazione di comunità
d'intenti. Ampio spazio anche per le questioni
legate alla libertà d'espressione online, a cui
verrà dedicata buona parte della prima giornata
dei lavori.

Fra i numerosi relatori previsti a Budapest, da
segnalare Ethan Zuckerman, esperto di tecnologie
per il Terzo Mondo, e Rebecca MacKinnon, già
giornalista di CNN, entrambi co-fondatori di
Global Voices Online.

Nel corso del Summit sarà annunciato anche il
lancio ufficiale della localizzazione italiana,
coordinata da Bernardo Parrella, giornalista,
attivista e traduttore di testi fondamentali
della cultura digitale. La versione italiana, già
in rodaggio da alcune settimane, conta una decina
di volontari, tra cui traduttori professionisti
ed esperti di nuovi media.

Il Summit di Budapest potrà essere seguito in
diretta su web e tramite altri servizi di social

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sud Africa: i blogger devono fare qualcosa di più che limitarsi a scrivere

Tradotto da Eleonora Pantò a partire dell'articolo originale in inglese di
Muhammad Karim: South Africa: Bloggers need to do more than just write

Chine : Les pandas olympiques résident à Pékin

Traduit par Claire Ulrich d'après le billet original en anglais de
John Kennedy: China: Olympic Pandas now in Beijing

Afrique du Sud: Les blogueurs doivent faire plus que seulement écrire

Traduction du billet original en anglais de
Muhammad Karim South Africa: Bloggers need t do more than just write

South Africa: Bloggers need to do more than just write

Original feature written by Muhammad Karim

La Xenofobia tormenta il Sud Africa

Traduzione del articolo originale in inglese di
Muhammad Karim
Xenophobia Plagues South Africa

La xénophobie tourmente l’Afrique du Sud

Traduction du billet original en anglais de
Muhammad Karim South Africa: Xenophobia plagues South Africa

Xenophobia Plagues South Africa

Original feature written by Muhammad Karim

Cina: Panda “olimpici” trasferiti a Pechino

Traduzione del articolo originale in inglese di
John Kennedy:
China: Olympic Pandas now in Beijing

China: Olympic Pandas now in Beijing

Original feature written by John Kennedy